Thursday, August 29, 2019

Week 2 Part 1:

Personal or Business...?

When people ask me, "what do you think is the best social media platform?" and, "If I were to choose one for personal use which would it be?" I had to stop and take a personal look at these questions. With Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit they each have their own platforms and they all run differently from each other. I started taking a look at all of these options most people use every single one for personal use. It does vary on all platforms, personally in my own life, I use Facebook the most but I also use Instagram. If I really had to choose one to be more towards personal use it would really have to be for Facebook. "Why?" You ask. Well Facebook was first generated for college students to keep in contact, then it moved to a bigger area of the social media spectrum. Facebook is mostly used to speak with family that you really never see or to keep in contact with that friend from elementary school. That is why I think that Facebook is more for personal use than the rest. 

Now, thinking about the business side of social media. I was asked, "Which one seems to be better for a business?" Well, this is a pretty obvious question in my mind. It is clearly Instagram. With Instagram you could do many different things, but one is promoting clubs, restaurants, small and large business. With Instagram there are pictures to show off your items, as well has hashtags. (#)   Hashtags make it so your post goes further than who you tagged, or your followers. It reaches a larger audience.  Don't get me wrong twitter has the same but with twitter there is more writing instead of photos. Photos catch a customers eyes faster than words. Instagram was really made to bring up a business owners audience. 

Keeping on track with Instagram and Facebook. Yes, Facebook is really good for personal use, and maybe some business but the only audience you will catch would mostly be the age of thirty-four and over. Depending on what your selling Facebook doesn't have the options like Instagram to reach more of a broader audience. Now Instagram, you could really use it for personal use and business all in one. You have the option to message your friends as well as to promote your product. Instagram helps owners more than Facebook also. Let me give you an example, my boyfriend runs a fishing club through all areas of social media. The one that is doing the best is the Instagram page. The reason? Well the hashtags, tagging, and the photos are key to making what ever your wanting to promote possible. 


  1. Hi Allison, even though I only wrote LinkedIn as geared to business in my blog, I agree Instagram is probably the most effective marketing social media platform for both small and large businesses. Strongly agree with how you said that this is because of how Instagram focuses on pictures with descriptive text.

  2. Good point about the benefits of Instagram to promote your product or service. And it sounds like it's working well for your boyfriend's business, which is great!
